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Research & Insights

Lack of insights on trade patterns and knowledge-gaps on supply chain risk and ESG matters at play, continue to hamper progress towards more responsible supply chains. ​

Without reliable information and data, developing business strategies and action risks to become a lost investment with limited impact. 


For Government institutions, understanding the implications of proposed policies, or the effects of new legislation prior to its (mid-term) review, is key to adjust scope, target groups or instruments to ensure over-all performance.




Key Activities

Example client questions that Hyacint Consult helped solving in the past years through research and analysis include: 

  • (OEM client) How - and through which supply chain actors, is our company connected to raw materials sourced from this (specific) region or country? What is the beneficial ownership situation of this particular (indirect) business partner? 

  • For this commodity (HS-code), which source countries and partners would provide capacity to supply these raw materials or components, and what are their (ESG) risk profiles? 

  • (Corporate client / Advising business and/or association) What are the implications of the new sustainability due diligence trends (and EU legislation) on our company / industry? Looking at the level of preparedness of our company (or: association members), how would our business(es) be impacted? What steps are advised at short/medium/longer term to ensure minimum compliance or maximum performance? 

  • (Corporate client / Shaping a collective sustainability initiative) What are the key ESG issues at play in the specific raw material sourced from 3 different countries, and how can industry players engage collectively to advance responsible business conduct at industry level? 

  • (Government client / Impact evaluation) Looking at the capacity-building support provided by our Government on trade and sustainable development, what has been the over-all performance according to OECD DAC criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact)? Which recommendations can be made to improve in light of the evaluation and changing global trade context?

  • (NGO) How are European companies connected to supply chain actors in this specific region or country and what is the level of trade intensity? What is the ESG maturity of​ these companies? 

  • (Sector association) What are the key ESG risk and impacts relevant for this product category? What is the social lifecycle assessment for this product range, looking at salient issues human rights and forced labour, including child labour and migrant labour risks? Which types of due diligence actions would provide an opportunity for collective effort, so as to enhance impact of our trade and sustainability compliance support for upstream actors?


At Hyacint Consult we believe that policies and strategies should be evidence-based, as much possible. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, we support our clients to avail over the information needed to take decisions in full trust and confidence. ​​

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At Hyacint Consult, we work in a highly customized manner. Before engaging in a client engagement, we aim to gather a solid understanding of the needs and challenges to be addressed, objectives and over-all context of the organisation. 

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