Hyacint Consult brings over a decade of experience in trade (policy) and development related matters, ranging from assessing the implications of trade barriers or FTA's, to supporting insights on key supply chain realities, vulnerabilities or dependencies for certain materials or goods, services or FDI streams.
Our team members have contributed to studies commissioned by inter alia private companies seeking company-specific supply chain insights, think-tanks and research institutes, UN/ITC, European Commission, Deloitte Belgium and other organisations on trade and development related insights.
Publicly available studies are available here-under:
Study title: 'Research Study: Non-Tariff Barriers on Selected Goods Faced by Exporters from the EAC to the EU and USA'
Funding entity: CUTS
Hyacint Consult team: Famke Schaap
Content: This publication provides insights on the non-tariff barriers faced by MSME's with focus on coffee and horticulture supply chains originating from African EAC countries and destined for EU and US markets.
Study title: 'White-paper on Enhancing MSME Participation in Trade'
Funding entity: CUTS
Hyacint Consult team: Francoise Guei and Famke Schaap
Content: This publication addresses the role of MSME's in global trade, with particular attention to non-tariff barriers faced by MSME's from developing countries.